Winter is coming – and with it the cold and flu season
Infection waves of rhinoviruses, RSV, COVID, flu, etc. are coming down on us making us prone for respiratory...
Are you experiencing pain?
Are you experiencing pain? Do you know someone who does? I brought ‘LNB Pain Therapy’ to Ireland.
What’s the secret of a healthy and pain free life?
Have you ever wondered why some people turn sick sooner or later in life, while others manage to stay healthy, bright...
Don’t be afraid of pain, it’s your friend!
I think everyone would agree with me, that pain has an important function. It warns us when we cut ourselves, when we...
Pain serves a purpose. Don’t neglect it, use it!
Today I want to explain my model of pain development. How does pain turn chronic? Let’s start with acute pain. As I...
8 spooky facts about food
Things you don’t/might want to know about One The sight of food makes us hungry. Experiments showed, that we get...
How can we fight pain and keep it away over the long term?
In my last blog I explained how pain develops, today I want to tell you how to get rid of it. I already mentioned,...
Fibromyalgia? What the heck is fibromyalgia?
Giving multiple pain a name is curse and blessing at the same time. Finally being able to give the devil a name and...
Lower back pain or the curse of sitting
People in the Western world suffer a growing problem. It’s called lower back pain (LBP). According to Wikipedia...
Osteoarthritis is reversible
Osteoarthritis is widely seen as a destructive process of the joints cartilage, caused by wear and tear as people age....
Pain is based on (bad) conditions
If you have pain, change the conditions and your body can thrive I would like to start this blog with a quote from...
It happens while you sleep
Did you know that the position you sleep in can cause you pain? If you sleep like 80% of people, then you’re spending...
Are you on your daily dose of vitamin D yet?
If not, you are missing out. Common belief is, that vitamin D is only relevant for bones, but it can do so much more....